Our Mission Statement
Worship: Connecting with God and One Another
Accepting: Embracing All People
Generous: Sharing What God Has Entrusted To Us
We are gathering in person for worship in our facility once more. But if you cannot attend, we invite you to worship via Zoom.
Join us at 10:00am Pacific Time via Zoom every Sunday
Click here for Zoom worship – all are welcome
Visit us on Facebook!
Contact the Church by telephone at 707-226-8166,
or use our contact form to send us a written message.
Make an online contribution through Tithe.ly with the button below:

Napa Valley Lutheran is a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a denomination of 4.5 million members and 10,000 congregations across the country, in communion with Lutheran Churches around the world. Lutherans believe in one God, revealed to the world in Jesus Christ, and present in the lives of people and the Church through the Holy Spirit. We look to the Word of God and the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion as means by which God continues to make God’s love known for all the world.

As an ELCA congregation, we welcome people of any race, culture, gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation to participate fully in the life of the church, and to join us in worship, praise, and service to God!